Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Eve Prayer

Lord, as I consider this time of year how the days are short, the nights are long, the cold air, I think what a time for Christmas! We need your miracle this time of year.

And I think how you came to us. Why, surely the Father could have sent you to a wealthy family with a fine home with servants and nice furnishings. Or at least maybe to a family with influence and position. But you came to experience the sting of poverty, need.

Or could you have come in a different age, like this one in which we have heated and air conditioned homes, refrigerators stocked with a variety of food. But you came to experience hardship.

Did you have to come to a carpenter's home? How about an accountant or a physician -- maybe you could have been "white collar" instead of blue. But you came to experience blisters on your hands learning to use a hammer. The same hands would feel the hammer in a different way...

Did you have to come as a Jew? Why not a Roman? After all they were in charge and had all the influence, power. But no, you came to experience the sting of human disdain -- racism by any other name.

Holy Father, was there another way to save the world, an easier way perhaps? I don't know, but you chose to experience everything human that I might experience everything heavenly. Thank you sounds so cheap, Lord. Thank you.

But for those lonely, depressed, needy at this time dear Savior, I pray your shining light of hope, forgiveness, redemption. Oh Lord that our "sad divisions" might be healed. That our seed of bitterness be removed. That your generosity would overwhelm my selfishness. That peace would come to the angry, light would shine for the depressed, a friend for the lonely, reconciliation for the estranged. A place for all not only at your manger but also at your cross.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Love this. Merry Christmas to you and your family!